What if music and sound are a true source of healing and transformation for our world? I invite you to read the inspiring thoughts of Steve Robertson, Executive Producer of Project Peace On Earth.
"People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song." - 14th Century Sufi poet Hafiz
has shown that music has the power to change emotional states, shift
our mental outlooks, change our physiology, and impact spiritual
awareness. Certain types of music, devotional in nature, can also have
the power to transform individual and collective consciousness into the
heightened states of love, forgiveness, compassion, and physical
healing. These heightened states of love, forgiveness, and compassion
are also what empowers human awareness to identify societal,
geopolitical, and environmental problems, and at the same time create
and implement solutions. This paper explores the possibility of how a
globally-telecast concert of spiritually inspired music can shift the
collective consciousness so that each of us experiences our innate
divinity, and witnesses and recognizes this same divinity in others,
resulting in our ability to recognize the sacredness of our planet’s
wildlife, its natural resources and our custodial responsibility and
honor for the earth. In this way, we may grow to honor the spiritual,
cultural, and ethnic diversity that is the watershed of God’s creative